วันศุกร์ที่ 5 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2557

Book- The Black Cat

The summary of the black cat story
Chapter 1
The narrator's wife jokes that the cat might be a witch in disguise, given its unusual intelligence. The narrator and Pluto have a close bond. He takes care of Pluto and Pluto follows him everywhere around the house. It is a very tender relationship.
Chapter 2
Then everything goes wrong. The narrator, an alcoholic, starts getting angry at everyone. He mistreats his wife and their other animals, but he never hurts Pluto. But one night, the narrator comes home drunk and thinks Pluto is avoiding him. He grabs the cat, who bites him. In retaliation, the narrator cuts out one of the cat's eyes.
Chapter 3
After he sleeps off his drunken state, the narrator is horrified about his actions. It is not enough to get him to stop drinking, though. The cat's eye socket heals, but Pluto and the narrator no longer have a good relationship. Pluto starts to avoid the narrator all the time. Instead of feeling remorseful, the narrator just feels irritated at the cat's behavior.
Chapter 4
The narrator hangs the cat 'in cold blood' from a tree. That night, his house burns down. The narrator, his wife, and their servant all escape the fire unharmed, but the fire destroys his home and all of his possessions. When the narrator returns to the ashes later, he sees the figure of a cat on the only surviving wall.
Chapter 5
Months pass. The narrator sees a cat remarkably similar to Pluto, except that on his chest is a white patch. The cat follows him home. At first the narrator likes the cat, but he soon can't stand the cat at all, especially after he notices that one of its eyes is missing.
Chapter 6
The more he hates the cat, the more the cat likes him. The narrator cannot bring himself to hurt the cat because he is afraid of it. The white shape on its chest morphs into a gallows, a direct reminder of his crime against Pluto.
Chapter 7
Eventually the narrator is driven so mad that he tries to kill the cat with an axe. His wife intervenes and the narrator ends up killing his wife. He decides to conceal the body inside his house, behind the wall of the basement.
Chapter 8
The narrator looks for the cat, but it is missing. For three nights he sleeps, undisturbed by the cat. Then, on the fourth day, police come to his house to ask questions about his wife's disappearance. During their investigation, the narrator raps on the wall he has rebuilt to conceal his wife's corpse. The noise of him knocking causes the cat, which had accidentally become sealed inside the wall, to howl, alerting the police to the presence of the narrator's wife.
END  :)

วันเสาร์ที่ 29 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2557

My reflection

My reflection

       After I had to study EAPI, I think that my reading and writing skills had improve. For me, I think my reading and writing skills are better than I have not study EAPI course. Before I take an EAPI course, I don't know how different between paragraph and essay, how to write paragraph and essay in the right way, and also what are the part of construction that the essay should have, that is how I improve my writing skill. For reading skill, I think I read faster and I know more vocabulary. Sometimes when I have to read somethings, dictionary is unnecessary to me. As you can see, After I had study EAPI, my reading and writing skill get better. So, EAPI is so helpful for me.

วันเสาร์ที่ 22 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2557



       Microwave is a convenient invention. I always use a microwave oven for mature the frozen food, pizza, and noodles. microwave is a better than a normal oven because we can command it to do what we want without look after it, but we have to look after when we bake or mature the foods with a normal oven. It is a very comfortable because it's an automatic machine. I think many modern home have a microwave. More people will also have a microwave. Nowadays, many hotels and resorts also have the microwave to give their customers more satisfaction. In the present, the cost of microwave is not too expensive and it is more easy to warm over the food than gas stove. But microwave is also have some cons such as, the radiation from microwave can make the women to be barren, but if you buy a quality's one, you have not to worry about it. As you can see, microwave is a convenient and satisfaction invention.


วันเสาร์ที่ 15 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2557

My favorite drink

My favorite drink

       My favorite drink is coke. I drink it with ice in a glass. I always drink it at my meals. I drink coke 1 or 2 times a day. If I feel thirsty, I will always buy a can of coke or a glass of coke to drink. Coke make me fresh and I like coke a lot. Without coke I think, I will not be happy with another drink. Other drinks can not beat my coke. When I was young, I always asked my mother for some money, and I took that money to buy coke. And I also fight with my mother about coke. She doesn't want me to drink coke, but I can't stop drinking it.  

วันศุกร์ที่ 14 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2557

My favorite sweet

My Favorite Sweet

       My favorite sweet is cake. I love to eat cake a lot. When I have free time or I am free, I will go out and find some bakery to buy some cake. I eat cake 3-4 times a week. I not only eat  cake when I am hungry, but I also eat cake when I want to eat some sweet. I always eat cake with hot cocoa or milk. I think that cake suit them a lot. Chocolate cake is very special for me. It is sweet and some bitter. It's very nice to me. I do want cake a lot when I do homework late night or watch a long movie. My mother loves to bake cake a lot and I also love to eat them.

วันเสาร์ที่ 25 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2557

Eat, Drink, and Know the Customs

                                                                                                                     Ratiluck   Khamngam
                                                                                                                     25 September 2014
                                                                                                                     English I
Eat, Drink, and Know the Customs
       In my family, when a person invites you to their home for first time for dinner at 8.00, there are somethings you do. It is the customs. For me, I always arrive on time. I usually take a gift to the host. The kind of gift that I choose for them is a hand-basket of fruit. After we finish the meal, I usually give them a compliment about the taste of food. When I eat, I always leave a little food on my plate and I don't ask for more because, it's the customs that the host will ask you, do you want more food. The end of the meal, I always say thank you for their invitation and their delicious dishes. Before I leave, I will talk to them a little bit. And I leave around 10.00 because the host have to rest and their will go to sleep not too late.


Internet Blog
       Everyone born with their name. I'm also born with my name. My name is Ratiluck. The meaning of my name is the girl who is the sign of love and like. The most popular 10 name of Thailand in 2013 ; Win, Fah, Mild, Noey, Ice, Mickey, Nine, Arm, Prae, Amy in order. In every country, we have the table manner. In Thailand, we use forks and spoon. we always have main course without appetizer and sometimes Thai people sit on the ground when they have a meal, it's the simple way to eat with family. But in England, they always have some appetizers. They use forks, spoon and also knife when they eat. And they always have a meal on the table. That is the different table custom between Thailand and England.